SmartBooks Lite

The Perfect Solution for Your Service-based Business!

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Smartbook Lite

SmartBooks Lite

SmartBooks Lite is the ultimate solution for service-based businesses, designed to make business management a breeze. With SmartBooks Lite, you can say goodbye to the complexities of inventory maintenance and focus on what you do best. This streamlined tool enhances your efficiency and productivity by handling core functions with ease. Whether it's managing purchases, sales, financials, or customer relationships, SmartBooks Lite simplifies your processes, allowing you to run your business smoothly and effectively.

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SmartBooks Lite offers a comprehensive suite of tools and capabilities designed to simplify and enhance your financial management processes. Whether you're a small business owner, a freelancer, or just someone looking to streamline your personal finances, SmartBooks Lite has everything you need to stay on top of your accounts and transactions. Here's a closer look at what you can accomplish with this powerful, user-friendly platform:


Standard Module

The Standard Module offers a range of tools for managing admin tasks, financials and treasury, sales and purchasing, customer and supplier relationships, and generating standard forms and reports, along with a BIR add-on to ensure seamless tax compliance.


Optional Features

Bank reconciliation ensures accuracy by matching internal records with bank statements, the Invoice-Sent-to-Email feature automates invoice distribution via email, and PayFactor integration streamlines payment processing and reconciliation (If-Applicable).


Cloud Infrastructure

Public cloud server 1GB database capacity provision. (Note: Cloud infrastructure is subject to annual assessment and may require clients to purchase additional server capacity.)


SmartBooks Lite is crafted to enhance efficiency and productivity, offering a seamless approach to business management that helps you run your operations smoothly and effectively. Say goodbye to manual tasks and embrace solutions that support your growth and success.